We invite academics to take part in an online series of workshops The essentials of writing for publication in scientific journals.
The objective of the series is to introduce academics to the basic concepts of publishing and communicating academic research, and help them to understand what is expected of them with regard to paper content. The language of instruction is Russian.
The participants can come from any background regardless of their research area and publication experience. The key requirement that they are to satisfy is to hold B1 level of English proficiency at the minimum. Such requirement is set because, though Russian is the key language of instruction, the participants are provided with a range of authentic English-medium resources to explore on their own as a part of their participation.
The schedule and content of the series
Week 1. Workshop 1. Academic publishing and ethics. Publication strategies.
Week 2. Workshop 2. Effective academic writing: Writing and structuring a paper; Introduction, Literature review and Methods.
Week 3. Workshop 3. Effective academic writing: Result–Discussion, Conclusions, Title and Abstract.
Week 4. Workshop 4. Peer review: the nuts and bolts.
Week 5. Workshop 5. Q&A
Final outcome: Paper outline
The instructor is Zhanna Anikina, a Russian academic with a wide range of research and teaching experiences.
We are also happy to provide consultations on diverse aspects of doing research and carry out peer-review of your manuscript. Please use the link below in order to apply for any of our services.